Saturday, February 21, 2015

Chummie & Theos - Hysterical Hysteria and other Deliriums brought to you by the Unbounded Panic at Theos & Chummie !

Just when we start thinking that we may move away from pointing out the endless disclosures of silliness (a mild word) brought to you by the fanciful minds at Theos/Chummie, we come across new piles of blather from these same souls who probably spend much of their time trying to see their right eye with their left - and without the help of mirrors or any other such modern technology.

So here we go again with a few names changed to help maintain Theos/Chummie's fiction and fantasies without hurting or insulting any other party. And we won't overwhelm you, the reader, by going to any fiction dated before February 1, 2015. And we'll only expose you to a few of the more innocuous and less atrocious deprivations, leaving the "heavy" stuff for more competent legal authorities.

1.            "get 30 Happy Meals at the local Mc. Donald’s"  Hint: It is McDonald's, not "Mc. Donald's" and 30 happy meals are not a good or wise choice unless you have the wisdom and tastes of a little kid. 

2.            "You won’t achieve bedwetting success with this Chinese junk."  Hint: And you may likely achieve less success with the "Chinese junk" sold by Theos under the Chummie name, and at about three times more in the way of the customer's cost or sale price. So Chummie would be "very expensive Chinese junk," being sold at predatory prices and being exploitative of the "poor parents" that Theos/Chummie frequently refer to. And Theos/Chummie helps to make these parents "poor" with their exorbitant prices, and also keeps them "poor" by forcing them to keep buying exorbitantly priced supplies for the Chummie alarms. This keeps Theos/Chummie "raking in the shekels" from these understandably "poor parents." 

3.            "ABC is a scam."  Hint: Look at all of the entries in this factual blog and it will be very apparent who the scammers really are!
4.            "get 90 Happy Meals at the local Mc. Donald’s"  Hint: It is McDonald's, not "Mc. Donald's" and 90 happy meals are not a good or wise choice unless you have the wisdom and taste of a little kid (very likely, with these writers). And we doubt that McDonald's would appreciate seeing this poor kid having to throw up these 90 happy meals in the restaurant. But maybe Mc. Donald's wouldn't mind.
5.            "Am I comfortable putting a radiating device near my child's genitals?"  Hint: These poor minds have been focused on this poor allegation and absurd "fact" for almost 3 years. This is desperation and stupidity raised to continuously new levels. We refer you to our entry in this blog dated July 30, 2013 which can be found at
and particularly the second half of this blog entry. And, would the FDA not have stopped this if there was a problem other than in Theos/Chummie's desperate mind simply to keep abusing competitors that they are afraid of? Hmm. How would the FDA, FTC, FBI, and other regulatory agencies react if they truly knew the contents of the minds at Theos/Chummie and acts that they may have performed? Please see earlier entries in this blog (going back to 2013) which address some of these issues with respect to Theos/Chummie.

6.            "They purchase products at under $15 and market it as a bedwetting alarm for $90. In essence making 6x profit from poor unsuspecting parents." Hint: Even if this were true, and we have strong reason to believe that it is not, how does it compare to Theos/Chummie buying a product for about $10 and selling it for almost $100? Theos/Chummie are just overwhelmed by personal greed at the expense of "poor parents." To continue with their claim "This has got to stop. We want to make parents aware that deceit will only go so far." Yeah, yeah! 

7.            "Through their false reviews, fraud listings and deceitful tactics, ABC have been ripping off buyers for years. Through this blog, we want to expose the irresponsible behavior and lack of ethics that ABC  has resorted to. Their tactics are shameful and we want to put an end to this." Theos/Chummie have a penchant for wishing on others what they have done themselves. Amazon kicked Theos off as a seller because (among other things) Theos was manipulating Chummie reviews in his favor, and other seller product reviews against them!
We won't bore you with the absurd and fictitious "writings" (our word to replicate Theos/Chummie's meaning) that they have cooked up. Ethics, rationality and good "cooking" were never their strong points. And keep in mind that they are the well established and incorrigible Masters of Deceit!
But hype, deceit and delusions can only go so far. As has been pointed out in
and excerpted here below.

Why is it that the Chummie Elite is being out-sold on eBay by DryBuddyEZ by over 5 times, and by WetStop3 much more than 3 times? Theos/Chummie cannot manipulate reviews on eBay, which puts their poor and expensive alarm products at an obvious disadvantage. We can just imagine what sort of preposterous nonsense may be concocted by Theos/Chummie in answer to this straight forward question!

We shall now update these real eBay sales statistics on this blog entry and leave the former entries as they are.

Which brings us back to the troubling relationship between Amazon and Theos/Chummie.
8.                 Amazon's customers are rejecting Theos/Chummie's hype about his bedwetting alarms. The Chummie Elite has very poor ratings on Amazon as well as eBay. On eBay, where an exact count of sales is provided, Chummie Elite's poor sales compared to DryBuddyEZ and WetStop3 are very apparent at the bottom of the above table. Chummie Elite's sales on Amazon are equally poor, in spite of Theos/Chummie giving away well over 150 units to Vine reviewers who usually give superlative ratings, artificially raising the Amazon reviews average. The actual Amazon Verified Purchaser numbers and opinions certainly demonstrate a poor opinion of the Chummie Elite, commensurate with the Chummie Elite's poor performance on eBay.
How long is Amazon going to support and "carry" and directly sell these poor selling and inferior Chummie products? Is this really in Amazon's best interests, as opposed to Theos/Chummie's? A very detailed and impartial technical comparison of all wired bedwetting alarms can be found at
Also look at the Wireless alarms comparison at
and see how these wireless alarms are also a much superior alternative to Chummie's high priced and poor value alarm offerings.
Obviously, Theos is feeling the heat of poor performance on an inferior over-hyped and over-priced product, as we are seeing a proliferation of maliciously abusive and defamatory blogs being generated by fictitious "authors." The style, content, and absurd (crazy?) rants, repeated time and again, and directed towards Theos's well proclaimed "competitive adversaries" (our quotes) makes it very likely that these senseless blogs and entries originate at Theos/Chummie. We have addressed some of these milder claims above.
9.            Can Amazon not notice how Theos has run up his Chummie Elite ratings on with no remorse for the excesses that Amazon let him get away with, and still has this poor item languishing in the ratings doldrums? Can they not see how the popularity of his well over-hyped and incredibly falsely praised Chummie (original) has fallen from favor, now that Theos's hands are somewhat tied with respect to the fake reviews and purchases as well as excessive hype? This Chummie alarm has very noticeably slipped from second place in Amazon's "bedwetting alarm" ratings and may soon fall to sixth place, and possibly much further. Are the decision-makers at Amazon impervious to facts? Are the executives and legal department at Amazon aware of what is happening and have consciously and knowingly approved of this? Or is this something that is being perpetrated by someone at Amazon who may have a special relationship with Theos, and may be flying under Amazon's radar? We find this matter of Theos "providing" Amazon's customers with what we consider to be undeserved ratings of the Chummie Elite in Amazon's Reviews to be very disturbing.

Theos's poor credibility and abominable behavior is well known, and even Amazon has smacked Theos. But there are many valid questions about Amazon's continuing behavior towards Theos/Chummie that merit close examination and substantial explanations, both within Amazon and outside Amazon. To our non-legal eye this matter between Amazon and Theos/Chummie seems to be rigged, and not in the best interests of Amazon's customers or stockholders if 
1.   The credibility of Amazon's much-vaunted Review System is blemished and credibility suffers.
2.   Theos and/or its Chummie product(s), relative to their competition on, are uniquely allowed to use or abuse Amazon's resources to develop or maintain an unfair advantage relative to their competitors on's Reviews System, who are not allowed such use of Amazon's resources.
3.   Is Amazon going to allow Theos/Chummie to keep the high-valued reviews that we have demonstrated comes from his unabashedly exploiting Amazon's flawed review system? Or will Amazon respect all competitors evenly and strip away these reviews which only Theos could obtain and did so to an unconscionable degree?

We sincerely hope that Amazon will examine these matters very carefully and address them adequately.