Chummie (and, of course, Theos Medical Systems) keeps extending its levels of deceit to ever higher levels. Not having the capacity or mental acuity to do anything original other than indulge in deceit, Chummie is now trying to imitate this site.
Chummie may never realize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Unfortunately for them, they are so impaired that they are incapable of doing even a modest job of imitation, limiting their imitation to the use of the words "Bedwetting Alarm(s) Deceit." Beyond this, their postings are typically Chummie, with crude gesticulations, unoriginal ideas and the banalities that Chummie is known for.
As of the moment, we have noticed the following posts in Google search that can be attributed to Chummie:
Jul 31, 2013 - The Nytone Bedwetting Alarm is a Bedwetting Deceit by Perversion and Concealment. This is a truly horrible one of a kind Deceit in Totality.
· Nytone Bedwetting Alarm: Deceit by Perversion and Concealment.
Jul 26, 2013 - I got ripped off by the Nytone Medical. The Nytone Bedwetting Alarm that they sent me was smelling of vomit. I spoke with someone in their ...
Jul 22, 2013 - Enuresis Solutions LLC has deployed full-scale lies, deception and deceit for promoting the DryBuddy Bedwetting Alarm. The lies are much ...
DryBuddy Bedwetting Alarmuses deceitful tactics to sell wireless products that radiate dangerous levels of energy near your child's genitals. Create a free ...
Jul 26, 2013 - Malem Bedwetting Alarm - Bedwetting Store Sucks review posted on ... products sold by are Deceit by Concealment.
Jun 20, 2013 - Nytone Bedwetting Alarm. Sydney Weaver from Nytone shows a new ... Deceit by Perversion and Concealment. This product is high on deceit.
1 day ago - Nytone Medical Complaint Review: Nytone Medical Nytone Bedwetting Alarm is a High on Deceit, Buyers Beware. Savannah Georgia.
We are not expert enough to say whether stupidity is a genetic trait, a learned (or unlearned) trait, or something else. But we must give Chummie a high grade for repeating obviously absurd inventions. These have generally been laid to rest, but Chummie and/or Chummies' flacks do not yet sense that with their very limited powers of creativity and thought.
So the story keeps unfolding, with Chummie providing new dimensions of craziness as they vent their spleen at Nytone, DryBuddy and Bedwettingstore. Why these? The answer can only be found in Chummie's weird mind.
This entire thing is becoming more and more entangling for Chummie. Does anyone want to help them move along faster? Perhaps they can tie themselves up so thoroughly in their own obfuscation, that they won't be able to save themselves from themselves. Remember the FDA fiasco? See
Cheers, everyone!
Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.
Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .
Chummie(TM) has a very large number of entries about its deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Chummie, so that Chummie has significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Chummie deceit entries on this blog.
Chummie has also been given a 0-stars blog of its own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. This Chummie blog is at .
Chummie: Desperation Deceit
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