Consequently, for the benefit of readers everywhere, including Amazon customers, we have presented for comparison Chummie's two over-hyped and overpriced alarms against two highly competitive wired alarms, and three very competitive wireless alarms. We selected these alarms as being illustrative of Chummie's lack of adequate features and performance coupled with Chummie's absurdly high price! We sincerely hope that the reader will carefully compare these, and realize what a poor value Chummie offers! Get a better value for your money!
It was only about two weeks ago (April 24, 2015) that we wrote our entry titled "Moving to Fresh Pastures - A jackal Amidst Innocent Prey!" This pointed out how, on the same day on, two 1-star reviews were given to DryBuddyEZ.
WE KNOW, that Theos/Chummie's toning down some of their
abusive behavior was due to some, but inadequate, sanctions by Amazon. We also
know about one or more lawsuits against Theos and its owner forcing Theos to
clean up some of his outright exaggerations and rubbish that he has been
posting on his sites and Google blogs. The axe may fall again on Theos and its
owner. There are so many matters about their behavior that increase their
liabilities tremendously.
Will a jackal do anything he can in order to catch his
prey? Can a jackal be constrained in his behavior, other than by extreme
sanctions which incapacitate him? Can a jackal change his stripes and patches? When he recovers from his wounds, is he
likely to revert to his old habits? Perhaps even more sneaky from experience,
but still unable to change his stripes and predatory habits?
have become aware that Theos's 1-star nonsensical
reviews on Amazon have started again against the manufacturer that Theos
to hate. We noticed that DryBuddyFLEX, which has been marketed for many
and showing remarkable progress on Amazon and eBay with decent reviews,
got hit, for the first time, with two 1-star reviews on Amazon barely 3
apart. And we also believe them to be poorly contrived and nonsensical,
something that other commentators have also pointed out on Amazon. As
stated in
our earlier article, these reviews may be extremely coincidental and
innocent circumstances. But experience has made us very suspicious
something reeks of abusive behavior as this appears to be. We strongly
that Theos has reverted to some of his past practices of abusing
review system to suit his purposes. If deceit underlies one's thoughts
and scruples, what can we expect? Deceit as only a person with poor
scruples knows how to do.
Always keep in mind that Amazon's Reviews are primarily what
Chummie has used to boost himself and to abuse his competition. Without Amazon,
Chummie is dead! Its alarms are such poor products for their price, that we now
felt obligated to show a detailed comparison to the public.
We hope that the above comparative table enlightens the
user about what alarm(s) the user should purchase.
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