Sunday, September 13, 2015

Amazon Reviews - Chummie, Dry-Knight and Lil' Jumbl continue to Deceive Amazon Customers.

We have frequently complained about Amazon Reviews purchased by unethical sellers. Theos Medical Systems, the maker and seller of Chummie products, and its owner Saket Bhatia (Theos/Chummie/Bhatia) have blatantly indulged in buying reviews to boost their ratings on Amazon Reviews. Many have been for cash, and many for "donations" of the product to recipient "Reviewers." A Federal Judge has already ordered Theos/Chummie/Bhatia to stop this purchasing reviews for cash, and to have many such reviews removed from Chummie's Amazon Reviews. The Judges Order and our comments about it can be found at

Grand Deceit by Theos Medical Systems and Chummie – A Judge's Order! (Part 1)
Grand Deceit by Theos Medical Systems and Chummie – A Judge's Order! (Part 2)
Theos Medical Systems and Chummie’s Grand Deceit – Amazon and Costco’s Dilemma!

We have still to see this happen, and shall write much more about this later. 

We have also pointed out in substantial detail how these same sellers run up their Amazon ratings by donating a substantial number of products to persons who then almost invariably write very positive reviews about the products generously given to them. This has been expressed in considerable detail in

Fallacies on Amazon Reviews - Hyping by Dry-Knight and Lil' Jumbl  and 
Abusing and Misinterpreting Amazon Reviews: The Case Against Chummie, Dry-Knight and Lil' Jumble.

So we shall examine the performance of these three sellers of bedwetting alarms by first removing the Amazon Reviews false bias by looking at Chummie's performance on eBay:

We then look at the extreme bias that Dry-Knight and especially Lil' Jumbl have on Amazon through their abundant give-aways of product to buy good reviews:

It does not surprise us that even with all of these purchased "good" reviews, there are sufficient "bad" reviews by earnest customers who have actually spent their money purchasing these items on Amazon, so that their Amazon results are still poor (in our opinion).

Look at the detailed comparison table in

Abusing and Misinterpreting Amazon Reviews: The Case Against Chummie, Dry-Knight and Lil' Jumble.

to truly understand how poor the Chummie, Dry-Knight and Lil'Jumbl bedwetting alarms are, in features and price, when compared to a sample of substantially superior alarms.

We point out the above in the hope that you, the customer, though your intelligent actions, can stop the abuse of Amazon Reviews, and simultaneously stop being mis-led by Amazon Reviews.

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