Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Deceit and Trickery at Chummie - Systemic Deception by Saket Bhatia and Theos Medical Systems.

1.   deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage. 
2.   a particular instance of such deceit or trickery. 
3.   any deception, trickery, or humbug.
4.    a person who makes deceitful pretenses; sham; poseur.

Since May, 2013 we have been expressing our concern and disgust at Theos Medical Systems, the maker of Chummie, and the extensive deceit and other wrong doings being perpetuated by Saket Bhatia, its owner. The recent lawsuit in which Theos Medical Systems (Theos) and Saket Bhatia (Bhatia) were the defendants, laid out numerous areas of deceptive practices and imposed corrections on Theos and Bhatia for past and future behavior that would be necessary. Although by U.S. law Theos Medical System is a corporate entity, there can be no doubt that Theos is simply a facade for the will and operation of Saket Bhatia. We have every reason to believe that all of the deceit pointed out in this blog can be attributed to Saket Bhatia, directly and indirectly. In some instances there can be little doubt that Bhatia has paid and/or directed other persons to be his surrogates, and so bears responsibility for these misdeeds. All references to Bhatia made in this blog relate to his involvement with Theos and related matters.

As the dictionary definitions above stipulate, most of the misbehavior described in this blog can be applied to one or more of the above definitions. We admit that we are not legal experts. We emphasize that we are using the English language definition and meaning of the word fraud, a dictionary definition of the word being copied above. Individually or as a group this misbehavior certainly falls into that domain. What we have is consistent and systemic misbehavior by Bhatia against the public and against competitors. We have hoped that adequate public exposure would cause Bhatia to stop his unscrupulous activities. We have yet to notice Bhatia’s stopping his trickery and virulent activities

Frankly, this continuing salacious behavior does raise significant questions with its rejection of American mores and laws, and constantly playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun. Ignoring a Judge's Order and playing the outlaw does have us wondering about the lack of apparent rationality and the unwillingness to see the coming catastrophe brought on by one's own actions. What can we ascribe such behavior towards? Desperation, where the scrambled mind cannot fathom much? Extreme arrogance, where one believes oneself to be invincible and above and beyond the laws and morals of the land? Or is it simply a matter of substantial irrationality, as suggested earlier, brought on by one's apparent success in fooling the masses and large institutions like Amazon and seemingly dodging the bullet for almost five years?

We have pointed out in the last blog entry that Bhatia has failed to fulfill the orders of the Court which he had consented and agreed to do. His deceitful misrepresentations on his company’s web site continue, together with the fake reviews of his products on Amazon’s various sites. It would certainly be in the public’s best interests if the Court would address Bhatia’s lack of complete cooperation in fulfilling his legal and social obligations. Perhaps the Plaintiff in the case should bring this to the Court’s attention.

We keep on noticing the continuing deception by Bhatia claiming that Costco is selling their antiquated Chummie alarm. Costco stopped selling it or advertising it some time ago. Costco has certainly removed all reference to the Chummie alarm on its web site. Theos/Bhatia, on the other hand, still has it plastered on every electronic wall-space, including Chummie’s web site. As we have often pointed out, observing ethical and even legal standards or complying with them has been something that Bhatia has no trouble ignoring, or even flaunting.

Bhatia continues to deceptively and illicitly promote his Chummie products, particularly on Amazon and its web sites, where Bhatia’s reckless and extensive abuse of Amazon Reviews has been established with hard evidence, both for Amazon and the U.S. District Court for Northern California. We point out how on sites like eBay where Bhatia cannot blatantly abuse reviews, his products’ performances are very poor. In fact, Bhatia is deceiving Amazon customers into purchasing his Chummie products through extensive fake Amazon Reviews, many of which will still remain even when, and if, Bhatia removes the fake reviews as ordered by the Court but covering only a limited period of time. Bhatia’s abusing Amazon Reviews also continues in his using the reviews and Amazon itself to falsely attack competitors with fake and absurd inventions. Bhatia appears to be a person who has extensively examined Amazon and its practices so that he can jump through all the holes that he can find, and effectively abuse Amazon's system for his own benefit and get away with it. As we have recently stated, Amazon’s going after and prosecuting the persons who take payments to provide fake reviews is well and good. It would be even better and more effective to go after the sellers who are paying for and promoting such fake reviews, and persons who extensively and persistently abuse Amazon's system for their personal advancement and to the detriment of competitors who do not indulge in such abuse of Amazon's system. We believe that it is also necessary for Amazon to identify and prosecute persons or parties who are falsely trying to send completely bogus and trumped up charges to Amazon about competitors. When and if Amazon were to do this, we have no doubts that Saket Bhatia and all of his repugnant contrivances would be doomed. More about this later.

Meanwhile we continue to ask that the public everywhere be made adequately aware of the high and prevalent levels of deceit underlying many acts and practices of Theos Medical Systems, its owner Saket Bhatia, the illicit promotion of its Chummie products and the continuing unscrupulous attacks on competitors. We assume that Bhatia does not live with a blindfold over his eyes and still has a mind which functions. We also assume that Bhatia, in spite of what appears to be his personal sense of imperiousness and infallibility,  is sufficiently aware of the illegality of many of his acts, and apart from any lawsuits brought against him by wronged parties (the unfavorable signed consent decree that he received in the U.S. Court of the Northern District of California is a recent example) he could face prosecution by local, state and federal authorities. We wonder if the many people who have participated in his nefarious schemes realize that they could face similar charges, either directly, or as aiding and abetting or participating with Bhatia in these illicit activities. Being an employee or a friend or a relative does not absolve them of these possible charges.

So we wait to see if the trigger will again be pulled by Bhatia on his Russian roulette gun.

We also continue to demonstrate how very poorly Chummie's antiquated and over-priced alarms fare of eBay compared to their competition:

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